Imported working stud

Andor is a superb example of his breed. A strong dog with fantastic pedigree and fantastic temperament. He has been imported from Germany. His information is as follows: Pedigree Name: Zoldmali Izsap Sire: AUS Ch Zoldmali Bugac AV VAV now residing in Australia Dam: Zoldmali Pletyka HUU clear. Hips: HD-B Elbows: ED-FREE Eyes: Clear Furnishings: F/F Hair: L/L He picks up 2-3 days a week during the season, or partridge, pheasant and duck. And is on the grouse moors counting grouse in both spring/summer counts. Andor has 100% fertility to date. Bitches are entitled to 2 mating’s 24-72hours apart. In the unlikely event that the bitch does not conceive, a free covering at the next season will be honoured. A contract will be issued to state this. A copy of Andors's pedigree and health tests will be provided. Please contact for more information. Photos and pedigree can be emailed on request. Stud fee £950 North Wales near Chester
Stud Fee
Owner Details
Rhys Taylor | 07969032561
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